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Sifu/Guro/Sensei Deo Guerrero is the owner and chief instructor of the Bremerton Academy of Martial Arts. He has been a practitioner of various Martial Arts for over 30 years. Starting as a child in Chi DO Kwan in 1977 due to the influences of Bruce Lee and other Martial Arts movies. In 1984 while in the Navy, Deo studied Tang Soo Do for almost 2 years. It wasn't until February 1995, when his ship, the USS Arkansas changed homeport from Alameda, CA to Bremerton, WA that he set his mind on getting a black belt. He started studying Butokukan Karate under Sensei Labalan attaining his Shodan in December 1999, Nidan in 2004, and Sandan in 2009.

While still studying Butokukan Karate, Deo was introduced to Sifu/Guro/Ajarn Christopher Clarke, owner, and Chief Instructor of NW Kali/JKD in Federal Way, WA by Butokukan Karate Sensei Steve Sultemeier. In May 1998 when Deo was still a Karate Brown Belt, he started studying Kali, Jun Fan Gung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Maphilindo Silat, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and Combat Submission Wrestling/MMA under Sifu Clarke. 

In early 2015, Sifu Clarke authorized Deo to start a school in Bremerton WA. Sifu Guerrero received his Level 1 Instructor Certification on October 1, 2016, and Level II Instructor Certification on November 30, 2019, in Filipino Martial Arts, Jun Fan Gung Fu/Jeet Kune Do, and Maphilindo Silat from his instructor Sifu/Guro Christopher Clarke. 

On July 22, 2023, Sifu Guerrero was honored to be Inducted into the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame as a “Distinguished Instructor”.  Sifu Guerrero has made an impact in his local community of Bremerton, and he has dedicated his life to passing on the knowledge he has learned, and continues to learn, as a lifelong student of the Martial Arts. 

Martial Arts Certifications:

Filipino Martial Arts – Level 2 Instructor (NW Kali/JKD) 

Jun Fan Gung Fu/Jeet Kune Do–Level 2 Instructor (NW Kali/JKD)

Maphilindo Silat – Level 2 Instructor (NW Kali/JKD)

Muay Thai - Level 2 (Thai Boxing Association)

Butokukan Karate - Sandan (3rd degree black belt)-(JABKA)


United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame "Inductee" (July 2023)


Instructor: Sifu/Guro/Sensei

Deo Guerrero

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